Why is the Fatbike a hit?

They are beautiful, they are massive, and we see them more and more, they are the Fat Bikes! The Fat Bike is an all-terrain bike… no, it’s more than that: it’s an evolution of this one, geared more towards certain types of terrain, thanks to its large tires.
The characteristics of the Fat Bike
This bike is, therefore, a bicycle which is equipped with much thicker tires, which increases the frame. Just like the 4 × 4 or the monster truck, the Fat Bike allows you to overcome most obstacles much more easily. As on soft ground, your grip is significantly improved because the surface in contact with the ground is larger, which improves your handling.
The width of the tires also allows you to play the role of a mower, which prevents you from sinking and getting stuck (while possibly causing a small fall)
The electric version is intended for those who wish to combine power and comfort. The autonomy of some devices greatly exceeds 100 km.
The best spots to ride The types of soils for which the Fat Bike is designed are soils with a lot of obstacles, rocky soils, small rivers or streams, snow and sand. So get on your Fat Bike:
In the mountains:
It will be perfect for passing large stones and certain stones, and the risk of slipping will be reduced. In the snow and the powder, for a walk or an off-track session. Also, going uphill with an electric motor will give you that extra push you will thank once you reach the top.
In the forest
No longer be afraid to take a small tree trunk or branch from the front, or cross a small, very shallow body of water.
At the beach
Along the coastline for example, even squarely in the dunes. Besides, if you spend some free time on the seaside, you will see that the Fat Bike cyclists, as well as their rental stands, have bloomed lately.
A purchase for pleasure
Manufacturers offer several models. In addition to these features, the choice is also guided by the available budget and personal preferences. The main thing is to follow a guideline, to have fun.